FID-D Venture Company LLC is an advanced company that develops innovative technologies in the field of waste processing.
Since 1990 the Fid-D company has been working on the development of wastes recycling technologies, particularly regarding wastes, contaminated with mercury.
In 1991 the experimental model of mercury lamps vacuum thermal demercurization plant (URL-2) was made. In 1992 this model was put into commission for Kazakhstan Association for saving resources in Alma-Ata, Kazakhstan. This equipment had been working effectively for about 8 years and had been substituted in 2001 for a new model.
In 1992 in accordance of Association of Business Cooperation "Sojuzkommunenergo" (Moscow) order, Fid-D Company has developed and produced the experimental model of stationary termodemercurization plant APA-100. The same year other experimental model of mobile termodemercurization plant UTD-100 was developed. Having compared technological and ergonomic characteristics of the developed equipment, since 1992 our company has started to manufacture the compact, vacuum, termodemercurization plant URL-2m.
Since that time there was produced about 100 plants, that were distributed to different regions of Russia, CIS and foreign countries (Latvia, Poland, South Korea, etc.).
Our company was represented on various national and international exhibitions that took place in Russia, including:
- Wastetech-2003, Moscow
- Put wastes into profit-2003, S.-Petersburg
- LUX 2000, Moscow
- Environment in Russia-1993, Moscow
- Uralenvironment-96, Ekaterinburg
- Environment of Moscow region – 98
and foreign exhibitions:
- Machinery construction-94, Brno
- New Technologies in Korea-97, Seoul
- Brussels Eureka’96, Brussels
- Pollutec 97, Paris
The mobile model of a URL plant was awarded with a gold medal at the Brussels Eureka’96 exhibition.
The equipment manufactured by the Fid-Dubna company is patented and licensed and is the only demercurization equipment, produced in Russia, that provide the full recycle of a mercury, i.e. a last product of recycling process is a metal mercury which can be reused in industrial production.